Lecture 10: Complexity Theory -- Space Complexity¶
Let M be a standard DTM. M runs in space \(S(n)\) if, for any input of length \(n\), M uses at most \(S(n)\) tape cells.
Let N be a standard NTM. N runs in space \(S(n)\) if, for any input of length \(n\), every branch of N uses at most \(S(n)\) tape cells.
PSPACE = \(\{A | A\) is decided by some DTM using a polynomial amount of space \(\}\)
NPSPACE = \(\{A | A\) is decided by some NTM using a polynomial amount of space \(\}\)
EXP = \(\{A | A\) is decided by some DTM using within 2p(n) time \(\}\)
Because the number of configurations of a DTM is at most 2p(n), where p(n) is a polynomial.
More specifically, the number of configurations of a DTM is at most 2p(n) because the number of tape cells is at most p(n)
P \(\subseteq\) PSPACE \(\subseteq\) EXP
If a problem can be solved in polynomial time, it can be solved in polynomial space.
NP \(\subseteq\) PSPACE \(\subseteq\) NPSPACE
NP \(\subseteq\) PSPACE 1. \(\exists\) NTM N that decides A in polynomial time
Simulate every branch of N : Polynomial space
Mark 分支的选择情况(每个结点一个):Polynomial space()
Theorem 1¶
Savitch's Theorem¶
Space Hirachical Theorem¶
\({\displaystyle {\mathsf {SPACE}}\left(o(f(n))\right)\subsetneq {\mathsf {SPACE}}(f(n))}\)
Construct a DTM D
- D decides some language A in space \(O(f(n))\)
- For any DTM M that decides A in space \(o(f(n))\)
D and M differs on at least one input
We want to construct D such that
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 ...
M1 +
M2 - +
M3 - - -
M4 - - - +
M5 - + - - -
M6 - - - - - +
D - - + - + - ...
D runs in space \(O(f(n))\) D decides some language -- will halt
Time Hierarchy Theorem¶
\({\displaystyle {\mathsf {DTIME}}\left(o\left(f(n)\right)\right)\subsetneq {\mathsf {DTIME}}(f(n){\log f(n)})}\)
- Have to update COUNTER every time -- \(log f(n)\) time
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