Lecture 3 - Context-Free Grammar CFG¶
A context-free grammar (CFG) is a set of recursive rules used to generate patterns of strings. A CFG \(G = (V, \Sigma, R, S)\) consists of:
- A finite set of variables (non-terminal symbols) \(V\).
- A finite set of terminal symbols \(\Sigma\).
- S \(\in\) \(V-\Sigma\) is the start symbol.
- R \(\in\) \((V-\Sigma) \times (V)^*\) is a finite set of rules.
Define in one step \(\Rightarrow\).
For any \(x,y,u \in V^*\), for any \(A \in V - \Sigma\), \(xAy \Rightarrow xuy\) if \((A,u) \in R\).
Define in multiple steps \(\Rightarrow^*\).
For any \(x,y,u \in V^*\), for any \(A \in V - \Sigma\), \(w \Rightarrow^* u\) if \(w=u\) or \(w \Rightarrow u_1 \Rightarrow u_2 \Rightarrow \cdots \Rightarrow u_k \Rightarrow u\).
G generates \(w\in \Sigma^*\) if \(S \Rightarrow^* w\). * L(G) = {w \(\in \Sigma ^*\)| G generates w} is a context-free language.
- \(\{a^nb^n|n\geq 0\}\) is a context-free language.
- Rule: \(S \rightarrow aSb | e\).
- \(\{w\in {a,b}^*|w = w^R\}\) is a context-free language.
- Rule: \(S \rightarrow aSa | bSb | e | a | b\).
Leftmost Derivation¶
Pumping Theorem for CFL¶
If L is a context-free language, then there exists a positive integer p such that any string \(s \in L\) with \(|s| \geq p\) can be written as \(s = uvxyz\) such that:
- \(|vxy| \leq p\).
- \(|v|+|y| \geq 1\).
- \(uv^ixy^iz \in L\) for all \(i \geq 0\).
- \(\{a^nb^nc^n|n\geq 0\}\) is not a context-free language.
If L is a context-free language, then there exists a positive integer p such that any string \(s \in L\) with \(|s| \geq p\) can be written as \(s = uvxyz\) such that:
- \(|vxy| \leq p\).
- \(|v|+|y| \geq 1\).
- \(uv^ixy^iz \in L\) for all \(i \geq 0\).
From 2. and 1., we have \(vxy\) contains at most two types of symbols from \(\{a,b,c\}\).
- Suppose \(v\) and \(y\) contain only one type of symbols or two types of symbols.
- \(uv^2xy^2z\) will not have the same number of \(a,b,c\).
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